Popcorn a Healthy Snack to Stick to Your Diet Plan

In your movie break or while having a small walk or a small break with your snack time you would love to munch something crispy and tasty. Without any age discrimination from kids, teenagers and elders everybody loves snacks. But are you sure the snack you have often is healthy or not? A snack should be healthy too whether homemade or packaged it’s a high privilege to be followed. And when it comes to popcorns, they are well known to be the healthiest snack recipe all over the world. Though while meaning they are healthy it’s not like everyone should buy popcorn maker and have them every day. But still having them as a part of your snack’s routine would be helpful than the rest.

A healthy snack:

Who wouldn’t love to have snacks? when they relax but having high oil content or carbonated foods will ruin people’s health. Though if you have homemade snacks like chips, fries, cheezels or biscuits or even buy them from stores having them often is not a healthy decision. From the time 19th century when popcorn machines were invented and vendors of those time started to buy popcorn maker for the street market, their popularity has never fallen. Beyond being a world-class snack companion, or in the taste and flavouring varieties no snack can beat popcorn. Now they stand high even at the point of health too but still, they are healthy only when prepared hygienically and rightfully.

In ancient times the popcorn was one among the breakfast recipes with a combo of milk and cream that is how healthy they were. Many people have popcorn in their diet chart because of its rich fibre and antioxidants that even many fruits are incompatible with. One main important thing is that it has no cholesterol and is filled with only proteins and vitamins. Air-popped popcorns are the healthiest so on made from a popcorn maker or stove stop is the best way to have them.

Healthy ways to have popcorn:

Corn kernels are whole grain like oats and millets. It is fully healthy to eat. However, you must know a few healthy ways of cooking them so that you don’t add up more calories to your snack count. At the least, a plain full cup of popcorn has only 30 calories which are lesser than many fruits and vegetables and you must know to keep the calorie level low if you are going to have them on a daily diet.

The best way to cook healthy popcorn is air-popping and having a small-sized popcorn maker and different types of packaging would be good if you can afford it else find one nearby your locality to have it. The other ways are like popping the kernels in the stove with a closed lid which most houses follow. Now just add a spoon of canola oil if you are popping it in a heavy saucepan if not air pop it if you have the equipment. At the end add some butter and while seasonings to make healthier choices like chopped walnut, peanut, roasted almonds and pistachios. Some even add a bit of shredded cheese to avoid its bland taste but in the daily diet, it is not good to be in that way.

  • The popcorn has rich fibres that have a low risk for heart problems, cancer and the most common diabetics.

  • Their low calorie and fat content make them the best companion to add to the diet food list and it also makes you feel so full. It is a double shot by eating a healthy diet for weight loss and your favourite snack at the same time.

  • When home cooked you can use extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil to cook them.

  • Keep a track of what you add to your popcorn for flavour or seasonings as a cup of plain popcorn is just 30 calories the resting calorie for food is your choice.

Many wonders, why buy popcorn maker for home use but many families have them for special occasions and parties. An important suggestion would be to avoid microwave popcorn regularly, change the ways you pop and have them but keep in mind to make the procedure healthier. For more detail about our services, contact us today!


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